You're My Mate (BL)

Chapter 165

The evening has come; it’s time for them to enjoy dinner in the dining room Mr. Henderson provided.

David and Leon had not said anything to Mr. Henderson about the wedding they had both discussed in the room earlier.

By the time the two of them headed into the dining room, Mr. Henderson had greeted them with his trademark warm smile.

“Let’s have dinner together; I was just about to start!” Said Mr. Henderson, smiling warmly at the both of them.

David and Leon slowly sat down in their places, then looked at each other and then at Mr. Henderson simultaneously.

“Let’s eat together; I’ve made your favorite food David, stir-fried pork in soy sauce!” said Mr. Henderson, then took the side dish and put it on David’s plate.

David just nodded and then glanced again at Leon, who was next to him; the two of them seemed to be coding each other with their eye signals to tell Mr. Henderson about this information.

Are these two in the mood to say something? It was so obvious that it couldn’t be covered up even though the two of them had tried! Inner Mr. Henderson as he shook his head and decided to speak up.


He put the spoon and knife on the plate, then looked at David and Leon, who were also looking at him.

“Okay, what do you two want to tell me?” said Mr. Henderson while looking at David and alternately at Leon.

But they both just kept silent while looking at each other, signaling again for David to start speaking.

“Um, hmmm, how was work today, Dad?” David asked, stammering with a different question, when he wanted to say about the wedding, he didn’t know why suddenly David became nervous.

Leon glanced at David with a look so strange he raised his eyebrows half, then nudged David’s leg with his foot. While giving eye signals that say, “what are you doing?”

Mr. Henderson, who received the question, wrinkled his forehead because David had once asked him about it.

Mr. Henderson shook his head, took a spoon and knife, and continued eating.

“Everything went smoothly, just a few minor problems!” The answer is while chewing food.

“Dad, Please arrange my wedding with Leon soon!”

David said suddenly when he had mustered up the courage to say that to his father. That same second made Mr. Henderson immediately shocked and choked by the listeners of what David had just said.

“Cough... Cough...”

Leon immediately stood up and gave Mr. Henderson water.

Mr. Henderson drank it, then caught his breath and looked at David and Leon.

“Are you two sure?” Ask Mr. Henderson to make sure.

“We were both sure we would have a wedding, so I told you to be able to prepare it,” David said, smiling broadly at his father and expressing as pitifully as possible so that his father could agree to what he asked for just now.

Mr. Henderson paused, then held his chin. He then looked at Leon.

Leon, who understood the meaning of that look, immediately said, “I’ll ask my parents for permission first...”


Tap! Tap!

Before Leon had time to finish his sentence, a hollow white light suddenly appeared in the dining room. Shortly after, two male figures appeared, jumping out of the hollow white light.

The three of them immediately looked at the two individuals with disbelieving looks, the two individuals who had just used their teleportation magic immediately dashed towards Leon’s direction.

The two were none other than Nicholas and London, who were worried for their son after hearing the news from his subordinates.

“Are you okay?”

“How did you get to the Continent?”

“Did they attack you?”

“What’s hurt?”

Nicholas and London examined their son while turning Leon’s body in the face of Mr. Henderson and David, who was still looking at the three of them with very confused looks.

“Father? What are you doing here?” Leon asked, which made Nicholas and London stop their activities and then look at their son closely.

“I’m fine,” Leon said while showing himself he was fine.

Nicholas and London were relieved instantly to see that their son was all right. Without the two of them realizing that other people are looking at two of them.

Nicholas immediately looked at Mr. Henderson and David. He was about to snap his fingers to erase his memory, but Leon immediately stopped him.

“Nicholas, stop! Don’t do that.” Leon said while holding Nicholas’ hand.

“Those two wouldn’t say this to anyone, trust me!” Leon said seriously.

Nicholas and London then looked at each other and nodded together.

“Alright, we will immediately return to our places!” Said Nicholas and was about to snap his fingers again to create a portal.

But Leon stopped him again because he wanted to tell his parents about the marriage directly.

“Wait, there’s something you both need to know!” Leon said, which made Nicholas and London stop their steps simultaneously and look at his son.

“What’s wrong, honey? Tell me?” Said Nicholas while looking at Leon with a very warm smile.

London did the same; he looked at Leon with an affectionate gaze.

Leon asked his parents to sit in the dining room for a while because what he wanted to say to his parents was so important that everything had to be discussed carefully.

Because what Leon was afraid of was if his parents would reject his request.

Since he was in the room earlier, he thought about it; he was afraid that his parents would not approve of his relationship with London.

After the five of them were currently seated in the dining room, they all stared at each other, waiting for Leon to speak.

Nicholas and London sat quietly next to each other, a little away from Mr. Henderson and David, because they both had to keep their distance just in case.

Mr. Henderson and David were silent, glancing at Nicholas and London because this was the first time Mr. Henderson saw Leon’s parents firsthand.

“Nicholas, London, the only thing I want to tell you is I’m getting married to David soon!” Leon said haltingly while looking at Nicholas and London.

The two of them widened their eyes simultaneously and then said the same words,


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