Strongest Businessman of the Cultivation World

Chapter 101 I Invoke The Pact!

"Since when did my father become the Second Commander?"

In the Pavilion allocated to the City Lord, Xin Ruo whispered in Ikasa\'s ear. She was shocked by the City Lord\'s announcement.

"Since the third month of last year," Ikasa whispered back while keeping his eyes on the three heads gathered near the Crystals.


She blurted out loud, confused by his reply. In the third month of last year, her father didn\'t even know who Zhen Wu of Birch City was, let alone agree to become his commander.

Ikasa hurriedly shushed her and explained in a low voice.

"City Lord Zhen kept the post of Second Commander vacant for a year, so he could promote Vice Commander Zhou when he advanced to Sense Realm. But Zhou Ruan didn\'t advance in time."

"So when we agreed to cooperate, he appointed Feng Yan as the nominal Second Commander to make him a legitimate contender. He backdated his appointment to prevent such allegations."

Xin Ruo was enlightened as her eyes were opened to the world of deceit and politics. She paid even more attention to the happenings in front of them.

"..... I recalled him in time to participate in the tournament."

The City Lord had just presented his side to the two objectors.

Lying is a skill. A good liar is not someone who can lie with a straight face; A good liar is someone who plays with truth. His lies always check out because there is no evidence otherwise.

By this standard, the City Lord was an amazing liar!

He had done his due diligence. Feng Yan had a legitimate identity. Not only that, his salary had been going out every month since the date of his appointment!

The conviction shown by City Lord was nothing short of wondrous. His detailed explanation convinced the Clan Master Hu that Feng Yan was indeed the mysterious Second Commander of City Guards.

Clan Master Hu was enticed by the idea of getting first place by disqualifying City Guards. But when he realized the City Lord had come prepared, he gave up on his scheme.

If it was any other time, the domineering old man would\'ve chosen to pursue this matter. But his Clan had just lost a pillar. Not wanting to strain relations when they were vulnerable, he decided to drop the matter.

"City Lord, I believe you won\'t compromise your integrity for just this tournament." Clan Master Hu stated, looking into his eyes to see signs of deceit. The City Lord met his eyes without flinching, convincing him that this was the truth.

It had the intended effect as Clan Master Hu turned to the beautiful judge.

"Arbitrator, I withdraw my objections and accept this outcome."

His withdrawal meant that the Sect Master of Monstrous Flame Sect had lost his pawn. Without a majority on his side, he couldn\'t pressurize the Arbitrator.

But he was not without recourse.

"Clan Master Hu may believe your words, but I don\'t. I demand the Arbitrator to investigate his claims!"

Zhen Ya treated him like a child who was throwing a tantrum. She downright ignored his claims.

"If you are unwilling to listen to my Sect\'s grievances, you leave me with no choice."

He took out an embroidered scroll and unfurled it. A bright golden light flashed from the scroll, and the sky lit up with a beam of light.

The beam was so bright that the residents of the City thought the morning had arrived.

Yan Hao chanted the hymns as taught by Zhi Yang.

"The embodiment of Flames, you are the Emperor of Embers. Oh, Absolute of Fire, I pray to thee!"

"The embodiment of zephyr, you are the Lord of Winds. Oh, Absolute of Air, I pray to thee!"

"The embodiment of ground, you are the Nurturer of Nature. Oh, Absolute of Earth, I pray to thee!"

"The embodiment of water, you are the Giver of Vitality. Oh, Absolute of Aqua, I pray to thee!

"The embodiment of void, you are the Protector of Life. Oh, Absolute of Space, I pray to thee!"

With a swoosh, five vague yet giant figures appeared in the sky. Three of them looked like humans. Of the remaining two, one was a formless mass of gas and the other a dancing flame.

Ikasa had heard about the Absolutes, but this was his first time seeing them. Their arrival had not only caught the interest of Ikasa, but also the rest of the Spectators.

In the presence of mighty beings, most of them went on their knees. It didn\'t matter whether people kneeled or not, the Absolutes didn\'t care.

Their attention was focused solely on the holder of the Scroll who requested their presence.

The Sect Master Yan looked at the ultimate powers in this world with fear while he trembled in his shoes. Noticing the gaze of Zhi Yang directed at him, he found the courage to speak as rehearsed.

"Absolutes, I invoke Clause 3 of the Pact between Secular World and the Empires. According to the clause, if an imperial official involves a Sect or School in his mundane conflicts, the Sect or School has the right to govern his domain, jointly or alone."

As he spoke, he felt more impassioned. His voice firmed thinking of his potential gains.

"Seven years ago, this man, the City Lord of Birch City, approached my Monstrous Flame Sect for assistance. He involved us in his conflict with the Hu Clan. We obliged and fought for him."

"However he denied our right to govern jointly when the situation stabilized. As a peace offering, we gave him a chance to fairly compete for the right to rule the city in the form of this Tribute Tournament. But he invited external help and violated the code of conduct."

The Sect Master fell to his knees and begged the figures in the golden-lit sky.

"Oh Absolutes, please do justice."

When the red-robed man finished presenting his case, he had revealed the actual first prize of this tournament!

The Right to govern Birch City!

Except for the three powers and the Arbitrator, no one knew this was the actual award. Not even Ikasa.

When he came to know, waves rippled in his calm heart. His fists clenched but his face did not expose his emotions.

He remained composed because he had expected something like this.

There was no reason for the City Lord to be so desperate to win the first place if it meant he would just be getting a big pot of gold.

As for his claims that he didn\'t want to empty the treasury while filling the pockets of the Hu Clan or the Monstrous Flame Sect? They may be true to some extent, but after seeing the pitiful conditions of Citizens, he realized that the money in the treasury was never used for their welfare.

During his stay in the City, he talked to City Lord and other Sense Realm Experts. Through those talks, he understood how significant a Sense Trainer was to a power in a Tier-3 City.

He knew then why the Xue Family approached him at the risk of losing a deal worth hundreds of thousands of gold coins but did not send their First Elder to fight on behalf of the City Lord.

Economic gains were significant in both cases, but not enough to risk the lives of Sense Realm Experts. Losing one Sense Realm Expert meant sliding down the ladder of the power hierarchy in the City.

Reascending this ladder was near impossible since the ones on top would always step on you to keep you down.

With this new information, Ikasa had begun to wonder about the true purpose of this Tournament weeks ago. It was revealed now.

\'Darn Politicians! Always keep one card hidden. Why would they be any different in this world of cultivation?\'

He shook his head and accepted the new conditions. Since he had helped the City Lord triumph, his deal with him and the Xue Family would hold.

\'Wait. Right now, the Monstrous Flame Sect is laying claims to govern the City! If their claim is approved there is no way I would get any tax concessions! Forget tax concessions, as an ally of the City Lord, my life will be difficult in this City! Fuck!\'

Ikasa watched with indignation the serene smile on the face of the City Lord, even though his authority was in danger. He eagerly awaited the City Lord\'s answer, hoping he had a plan that would keep his authority and safeguard the investments Ikasa made in this City.

A few breaths had passed since Sect Master Yan went on his knees. While everyone awaited the judgment, a voice from the sky resounded in the stadium.

"City Lord Zhen, present your case."

Zhen Ya and Zhen Wu exchanged glances. It seemed to Ikasa like the Brother and Sister duo had come prepared.

City Lord Zhen bowed his head to greet the supreme ones. Unlike Yan Hao, his voice was firm from the start. With a respectful tone, he presented his side.

"Almighty Absolutes, I do not deny the allegations. But I refuse to surrender Birch City."

Ikasa missed a heartbeat when he heard the City Lord directly refuse to comply with the Pact. But his anxiety was just a result of his incomplete knowledge of the Pact.

There was another man in the Stadium who had read the Pact. He also missed a heartbeat but from joy. Zhi Yang sneered at the City Lord\'s insolence and thought he would be doomed.

But the City Lord\'s next words drained the blood from his face.

"To challenge the claim of Sect Master Yan, I invoke clause 8 of the Pact between the Secular World and the Empires!"

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