Tensei Shite Inaka de Slowlife wo Okuritai

Chapter 77 part 1: Denouement

Chapter 77 part 1: Denouement

Haa!?  That person is Elna-kaasan?

I stood up from my seat, staring at the girl on the stage with my eyes wide open.

「You idiot, you’re astonished by that actress’s big breast right?」

「They’re certainly big, but I’m not surprised because of that right now!」

I pulled the closet pervert’s cheek sitting beside me, and turned my eyes back at her again.

I heard a muffled voice of protest next to me, but I ignored it.

Boldly standing at the entrance, is the girl called Elna.

When I look at that girl, I compare it with Elna-kaasan’s face whom I saw yesterday.

The always smiling, quiet and gentle Elna-kaasan, but scary when she’s angry.

Who likes sweets and tea, has a slightly childish side to her.

Saying something like 「Move aside for a bitー」, or 「This is, delicious isn’t it」while smiling, an awfully my pace mother.

――but that mother is now.

「Didn’t you hear me?」

She sharply glared at the man and the fake guy. There’s not a trace of a gentle smile on her at all.

I’ve heard that she used to be an adventurer, but it’s a bit different from the image in my imagination.

I thought that, Elna-kaasan was a woman who always gave off this gentle feeling, even in the past.


Not someone touchy like this one.

……this is, she’s just like Eleonora-neesan isn’t she………

Sure, I have doubts about Eleonora-neesan’s character, about who she took after among the calm people of the Slowlett house. But now I know she did, and I never thought she took after Elna-kaasan.

Everyone in the family said that I took after Elna-kaasan, but there’s no way that’s true. Isn\'t Elenora-neesan the one who resembles her the most?

「……hu, huuh!? Don’t interfere!」

The man appeared to froze on the spot for a moment, but then he snapped out of it and reached out to grab at Elna’s collar.

But, the fake guy twisted his arm up.

「It hurts!」

「Grabbing at a girl’s collar is unseemly.」


The man whose arm got twisted behind him groaned in frustration.

「Are you alright?」

「Yes. If you didn’t hold him back, I will simply burn him.」

「That will be troubling.」

Hearing Elna’s reply, the fake guy said that with a wry smile.

So this, was the encounter between Nord-tousan and Elna-kaasan.

After that, the fake guy became an adventurer, accepting requests one by one with just himself and his sword.

「……it’s you again.」

「Yo, Elna. What a coincidence.」

Although both of them are solo adventurers, the fake guy and Elna often come across one another in the hunting ground.

「Don’t tell me, you’re not following me aren’t you?」

「Nah, I thought I was the one who came out from the guild first today, though. If you don’t mind, how about we take requests together?」

Not only when they’re hunting, but also when they’re in the royal capital’s downtown.

「Why are you here?」

「Eh? Bors said that the baked sweets here are delicious. Though he look like that, he unexpectedly has sweet tooth.」

「Oh, out of the way if you’re done buying then.」

『I’m sorry. But the fruit muffins are sold outー』


「………want some?」

Since they’re both solo adventurers, so it’s natural that their hunting ground will also be the same place. It’s unknown how many times they met in private.

Fortunately, the fake guy is a swordsman, while Elna is a mage. And as the two of them were taking requests together, it didn’t take long for them two of them to open their hearts to each other.

However, it seems that it’s embarrassing to watch the start of romance between both of your parents so far.

And before long, I feel like I got a sour stomach when I looked at them for some reason.

And after completing who knows how many requests together, they became unwittingly famous in the royal capital.

The fake guy is wearing light and solid armor made out of a special ore, unlike the armor made with some common material that can be bought everywhere.

Fake guy was dressed in silvery armor and a blue mantle, looking like a holy knight.

「We came back safely today.」

「That’s right. I want to quickly go home and take a bath」

Elna, who walks next to the fake guy, said languidly.

She doesn’t look like she changes her robe, but there is a necklace on her neck that seems to be a magic tool.

Her cane also looks somewhat longer, and the color of the gem attached to it is very clear.

「Well then, let’s immediately report to the guild.」


Her voices are a lot more mild compared to the earlier days. It seems that her relationship with the fake guy has become closer.

Does it mean that I would have an amicable relationship with Eleonora-neesan just like that Elna-kaasan with Nord-tousan if I were to get along well with her? No wait, I just can’t imagine it.

After that, they reported to the guild, and it was when they were about to go back to their lodging.


The sounds of bells resounded throughout the royal capital.

「This is?」

「That’s the sound of bells. I wonder what’s happening outside?」

The sound of bells resounded throughout the place awfully loud, making the two of them look puzzled.

「Enemy attack! It’s an enemy attaaack!」

Then, a man who looked like a guard shouted out loudly as he ran.

「By enemy attack, does he mean the neighboring country? Or is it monster stampede?」

The fake guy catches the man, and tries to get more information out of him.

「No! It would be better if it were those things! It’s all over! It’s the end for this countrryyyyy!」

「What is it then? Quickly say it. You’re so pathetic even though you’re a man.」

After being insulted by Elna, the guards who were in a state of panic somehow manage to point at the sky.

And then, after opening his mouth repeatedly, he said in a screaming voice.

「I, it’s a Dragon! A Dragon has come to this country!」


At the same time as Elna raised her voice in doubt, there was a roar from far away that seemed to shake the atmosphere inside the theater.


A Red Dragon appears from above the stage. Its body was covered with countless scales.

It moved its big wings on its back to slowly descend.

I thought for a moment, is that a real dragon, but when I looked closely at it again, I could see some connecting parts on its body.

But, even so, they made the secondary parts flexible and it can move thanks to magic and magic tools, they can reproduce lifelike movement of the dragon moving its neck and wings.

It was as if a real dragon was currently right in front of our eyes.

Though it might be their first time seeing this dragon, the children\'s agitated voice can be heard in the venue from time to time.

「A dragon!?」

「Why does it came to this kind of place!?」

While Elna and the fake guy raised their voices in surprise, the dragon calmly landed on the ground.

Then the dragon’s neck swells, and its wings open wide as it roars.


「Hi, hiiiiiiii!」


The guards and people who were nearby panicked and fled, then they left from the stage.

The dragon opened its mouth wide, revealing its vicious fangs, then flames spread all over the place in its surroundings.

「Oooh!」, the audience shouted as they saw the intensity of the magic used in the flames.

It really is the most popular play, and it costs a lot of money huh.

With the dragon spreading flames, the stage’s light turns orange-colored, and the sounds of burning can be heard as the effect of the burning performance of the play.

「Elna!  I will, fight the dragon to protect everyone!」

The fake guy unsheathed his sword and said that nervously.

He holds his impressive long sword tightly as he takes his stance, the sword blade is shining in silver.

「Are you sane!? The enemy is a dragon you know!?  It’s different from those goblins or orcs!?」

「Aah, I know. Even when I just stand here like this, the dragon’s terrifying presence can be felt acutely coming my way.」


Elna raised her voice to prevent the fake guy, but then the fake guy turned around toward Elna and said slowly.

「――yes but, I’m an adventurer!」


Incidentally, with the dragon standing by and appearing as if it was patiently waiting for the main character, it was a good scene. It looks as if people still have to submit to their own fate in this world.

「How could you call yourself an adventurer if you don’t take any risk? I rarely had this kind of experience before. How about you Elna?」

With a fearless smile on his face, the fake guy asks Elna.

On the other hand, Elna pauses for a moment, and then said

「I have made up my mind! I am also an adventurer! And besides, Nord will die without me!」

She throws out her big chest and holds her cane as she takes a stance.

The past Elna-kaasan is too manly.

「……I see. Thank you Elna.」

Elna turns her face away from the fake guy’s smile that seems as if it was shining. Her face is red, not from the light from flames, what a commendable acting.

「Oi oi, have you lovers finished talking?  We’re fully prepared, yeah?」

A man’s voice broke the lukewarm atmosphere.

「Who’s the lovers!」

Looking toward the direction of the voice, they saw Bors appearing from on top of a building.

And then, they saw a lot of adventurers wielding weapons appearing in succession at the edge of the stage and on top of another building.

「Bors! Everyone!」

「Hehehe, we’re also adventurers y’see. Even if you two wanted to make this your achievement, that’s not gonna work this time!」

Thus, the battle between a dragon and the adventurers began.

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