Elixir Supplier

Chapter 123 - Car Racing was Like Asking to be Killed.

Chapter 123: Car Racing was Like Asking to be Killed.

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

“I’ll deal with it,” said Wang Yao.

His family said no more.

Wang Yao didn’t rush to return to Nanshan hill after lunch. Instead, he stayed at home for most of the afternoon. He went back to Nanshan hill after the rain had stopped. He went to the other side of the hill to look for a small stone to put in the Spirit Gathering Battle Array. He placed the stone at a suitable location inside the array.

I still need several more stones.

Wang Yao did some stretches before going back to the other side of Nanshan hill. There were quite a few suitable stones at the middle portion of the hill. It was not easy to take them to where the array was.

The rain started again.

He found another suitable stone just below the middle half of the hill. The stone was not small, but he still decided to carry it to the array. Moving it was even harder due to the muddy roads caused by the rain. He had to constantly stop.

But, he could feel the Qi inside his body moving faster as time went by.

After Wang Yao arrived at the top of the hill, he stopped as he had a strange feeling inside his body. He sat down and crossed his legs despite the ground being dirty and muddy. He started to feel the Qi inside his body running like a river. It moved all the way through his meridians.

Hum! He sensed a tremor as if something was unblocked inside his meridian. His body shook again, then back to normal.

Another meridian!

This was a bonus for Wang Yao’s hard work. Unblocking a meridian made Wang Yao suddenly feel less tired.

After he had placed the stone, it started to get dark. Wang Yao didn’t stay on the hill for long. He went home straight away.


Wang Yao drove his sister to work in the city the next morning. He drove slowly due to the foggy weather.

Whizz! A small car passed him at high speed. The driver didn’t even bother to indicate on such a foggy day. Wang Yao frowned. It was extremely dangerous to drive this fast in such weather. After driving for a while, Wang Yao slowed down as he saw something in front.

“What’s going on?” said Wang Ru, who sat in the front passenger’s seat.

“Not sure, seems like an accident in front,” said Wang Yao.

Wang Yao continued to drive for about ten meters and saw that the accident involved multiple vehicles.

What is this?!

A yellow vehicle caught Wang Yao’s attention.

It’s a school bus!

Without hesitation, Wang Yao parked his vehicle along the road and then got out his vehicle.

The accident happened at a T-junction, which involved three vehicles. It appeared that the accident was caused by a small car, which hit the fence several meters away. The small car was upside down and was in terrible shape. Wang Yao took a close look and recognized the car was the one that whizzed past him a few minutes ago. The other vehicles collided as a result of trying to avoid the small car.

It was not clear whether the driver and passengers in the small car were badly injured or not. People from the other vehicles involved in the accident didn’t seem to be badly injured. But there were children on the school bus.

“The bus is on fire!” someone shouted nearby.

Wang Yao saw that the school bus was on fire from underneath. There were still children on the bus. Wang Yao ran towards the school bus to help. The door of the bus was deformed so that he couldn’t open it. However, the door next to the driver’s seat was okay to open. He had to guide the students to get off the bus from there. But the students couldn’t move fast due to the awkward position the bus was in. The fire almost reached the oil tank.

Wang Yao looked around and broke the windows with his fists.

“Come out from there!” Wang Yao pointed at the windows.

The frightened kids crawled out of the window as fast as they could. The passengers from other vehicles also came to help.

Whoosh! The fire was getting fierce and expanded fast.

Come on! thought Wang Yao.

Eventually, all the kids on the bus were saved, and the other vehicles involved in the accident were moved to the side of the road.

“That was so close!” said one of the passengers.

“What kind of bus it is? It didn’t take much for it to be on fire!” said another passenger.

Wang Yao looked down at those kids who were still frightened and took a quick look at them. None of the kids were injured. Wang Ru also came to comfort the kids.

Looking at the smoke, Wang Yao didn’t know when the ambulance would arrive. Traffic was blocked in both directions, and all the vehicles on that street had to stop.

“Oh my God!” Wang Yao suddenly heard someone screaming. He looked up and saw a man squatting on the ground, looking pale.

Wang Yao went towards the guy to help.

“Hi, are you okay?” asked Wang Yao.

“Not really, my belly is hurting,” said the man.

“Let me take a look. I know a bit of medicine,” said Wang Yao. The man was actively helping the children get out of the bus.

“Really? Oka.” The man looked even paler as the pain was increasing.

Wang Yao felt his pulse, and his face changed.


This man had internal bleeding in his stomach which required urgent medical attention! Any delay could have severe consequences.

“What’s going on?” asked the man’s friend.

“He needs medical intervention immediately! As soon as possible!” said Wang Yao.

“Really?!” said the man’s friend.

Weewoo! At that moment, the police had arrived. They were followed by an ambulance.

“Fortunately, the ambulance came in time,” said Wang Yao.

The policemen helped to restore the traffic flow, and then the tow truck moved the vehicles involved in the accident away. Paramedics were busy treating the injured passengers and drivers. There were four injured people in this accident—two of them had minor injuries, but the driver of the small car causing the accident was badly injured and unconscious. The man who Wang Yao was helping had internal bleeding.

The paramedic didn’t forget to ask questions before he got on the ambulance.

“How did you know he had internal bleeding?” asked the paramedic to the man’s friend.

“A doctor just took a look at him and said his condition was urgent,” said the man’s friend.

“I see,” said the paramedic.

The ambulance left. After some time, the ambulance arrived at the town hospital half an hour later.

“This patient’s condition is very urgent. Our hospital is not equipped to treat him. Please contact his next of kin to arrange a transfer,” said paramedic.

“What? Internal bleeding? Who said that?” asked the senior consultant from the emergency department.

“A doctor on the scene,” replied the paramedic.

At the moment, the patient lying on the hospital bed was moaning in excruciating pain.

“Arrange a CT and get the operating room ready!” commanded the senior consultant.

“Okay!” said one of the medical staff members.

The CT room was ready in 20 minutes.

“It is very obvious that he has internal bleeding. He needs surgery immediately,” said the doctor from the CT room after he looked at the scan.

An operating room was made available immediately due to the emergency situation.

The patent’s friend was helping around. He watched his friend being taken into the operating room and waited outside. Soon, the patient’s family had arrived.

“How is he doing?” asked the patient’s mother anxiously.

“He is now having surgery; don’t worry too much,” said the patient’s friend.

The surgery was completed about two hours later, and the patient was taken out of the operating room.

“How is my son, doctor?” asked the patient’s mother anxiously.

“The surgery was successful. He should be fine,” said the surgeon. On the one hand, the surgery went smoothly. On the other hand, the patient was taken to the hospital and had a scan in time. Wang Yao’s initial diagnosis prevented a lot of unnecessary exams.

“Thank you so much!” said the patient’s mother.

“This is what we doctors are supposed to do. But I’m curious about which doctor gave the diagnosis of internal bleeding?” said the surgeon in charge.

“Some doctor on the scene of the accident,” said the patient’s friend. He remembered Wang Yao well because Wang Yao was the first person running towards the bus on fire to save the children.

“If you get a chance, you should thank that doctor who provided that valuable information. It saved us a lot of time,” said the surgeon.

After the patient was taken to the recovery room, his mother asked his friend about the name of the doctor on the scene. But his friend didn’t get a chance to ask in such a frantic situation.

The patient’s mother sighed.


Wang Ru was late for work due to the traffic accident.

It was her first time being late for work after her promotion, and it was Monday when she was supposed to attend a routine meeting at the Bureau. But she was not upset about being late. On the contrary, she was in a good mood and didn’t mind being late, because she helped to save those children.

After dropping his sister at her workplace, Wang Yao didn’t go home. Instead, he drove around the city and went to two places. First, he went to Wang Mingbao’s store.

“Hi, how come you are here so early today?” Wang Mingbao said with a smile. He invited Wang Yao to the meeting room and made Wang Yao a cup of tea.

“I had to drop my sister at her workplace and thought I might as well stop by,” said Wang Yao.

“Good! I happen to have something to ask you,” said Wang Mingbao.

“What is it?” asked Wang Yao.

“How can you tell the quality of ginseng?” asked Wang Mingbao.

“Ginseng? Why do you ask about this?” said Wang Yao in surprise.

“One of my friends purchased some wild ginseng and wants to sell them. He gave me two for my father to enhance his health. Let me show you,” Wang Mingbao took a box out of a drawer and handed the box over to Wang Yao.

It said North East Wild ginseng on the box.

Wang Yao couldn’t help laughing when he saw the words on the box. The box looked fashionable. He opened the box and took a look. The ginseng looked quite big. After he looked closely, he found that it was no wild ginseng at all. It was from artificial cultivation, and something bad was added to the ginseng during the process.

“What do you think?” asked Wang Mingbao.

“This is not wild ginseng at all. It’s definitely from artificial cultivation, and I believe certain drugs were mingled into it. You’d better not to take too much,” said Wang Yao.

“Really?!” said Wang Mingbao in shock.

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