I Got Reincarnated And Mistaken As A Genius?

Chapter 3

Editor: Eclarion, llyboshi, Creis

As I was saying earlier, there are lots of things happened up until now. That\'s why I explained the history beforehand. Putting all the history thing aside, my Mom sure is amazing. She invented a new theorem based on my scratch, and completed it. The other time she got the idea from my powered suits drawing, and use it to create a new model of a nuclear fusion reactor. She also designed a new aircraft model, and she\'s really knowledgeable in many fields of study.

Lately, I\'ve heard the rumor that people started calling Mom the "Mother of Invention", but the most astounding thing is, despite all her great achievements, she\'s basically always at home. In contrast, Pops is rarely home. Last time I saw him, he said he was going to Africa. He should learn a bit from mom and stayed home a bit more. Earlier, I asked mom a question.

"Dad sure is rarely being at home, right Mom?"

She only showed a bitter smile to my question. At this rate, you both are gonna get divorced sooner or later, you know?

Oh well, today Mom\'s not home either. I think she said something about an important meeting, but I was so sleepy I didn\'t particularly listen, I\'m sorry.

Man, I got nothing to do here…Since all of us wouldn\'t know when exactly Dad would get back, so it\'s kind of a house rule that someone always got to be at home.

Frankly, it\'s quite a bother, since when Mom isn\'t home, I\'m the one that have to stay at home.

Well, it\'s not like I have any friends out there, so I don\'t mind….

I don\'t mind.






Ah, now I want to cry. (Eclair : Bocchi overloaded lol)

Well, now I\'m done cleaning around the house, maybe I should try removing the weed in the garden for once? (TLNote :no, not that weed, just normal weed)

Since our garden is quite big, if we don\'t remove the weed from time to time, it will grow in no time. One day, I saw a guide to making an easy herbicide and tried to made it myself, but it ended up killing all the grass in the garden, and it was quite a mess. After that, I only remove the weeds by hand. Mom had to call the gardening service, and the whole garden\'s soil needs to be replaced. I believe that was the first time Pops got angry at me.

"I know you are that talented, so please stop showing off around our house!"

That\'s what he said to me. Talent he said? I bet it\'s a sarcastic way to say that I always failed! That macho gorilla bastard, I\'ll put laxative in his food to get back at him when he\'s home and mom\'s not around.

Well, our garden is big. And I mean BIG. For your reference, it\'s about the size of a noble samurai\'s house you usually see in the movies. Same goes for our house, and all that is because mom\'s earnings are ridiculous. That\'s to be expected, since she had over 200 patents, various research institutes would come begging in tears to have her name listed in their roster. By just having Mom\'s name in their research team, it will raise their net worth up to 3 times the original, so no wonder they\'d do that. On the contrary, dad\'s earnings are actually quite questionable, and when I asked mom about that, she answered like this.

"Dad doesn\'t make much, but he\'s working in UN to help a lot of people"

Something like that…Mom, you\'re so kind you get me moved to tears! Damn, Mom is just too good for that macho bastard. Since we\'re talking about that macho, he\'s probably just doing some heavy work, like carrying luggage or such. And when he said he was going to Africa, I guess he was hired as some VIP\'s meat shield.

Oh, I think I talked too much, so let\'s get back to removing weeds. Oh right! Let\'s try that powered work-suit that I made together with mom the other day.

These days, powered suits are also being used in general household for labor works. Of course this thing my Mom made, is all-in-one purposed. It\'s an excellent piece, you can even do some detailed task, even cooking with this suit on.

Mom probably made this prototype because she wants to introduce it to public that powered suits can be used by anyone to do anything. Okay, it fits well on me.

O weed, are you ready?

"Pipipi! pipipi!"

While I was immersed myself in my work, a call came in to my personal terminal.

Oh, it\'s from Mom…

"Ko, Kou-chan……. What are you doing right now?"

She asked me with a somewhat worried tone. I honestly answered that I was removing the weeds.

"O, okay. I think you have done enough with the weeds, so now you can go back inside and watch TV instead. I think your favorite nature documentary is on air today."

Seriously!? This world\'s nature is different compared to the world I live in previously, since some animals that went extinct in my world, is still living. I love those animals, and maybe because of the difference in nature, there\'s also animals that I don\'t recognize. I love a documentary TV program that make special reports about those animals, and I have always watched it since I was little. So Mom is telling me to stop doing house chores, and watch that instead. As expected from my kind-natured mom whom I proud of.

I thank my mom and cut the call. I was about to go inside the house to put away the powered suit, when I noticed something at the corner of the garden.

There\'s a strange bird there… I tried to get closer so I can get a closer look, but it flew right away. I become a bit disappointed, and head into the house.

—- Louis Coleman\'s POV —-

I think it\'s been 4 years since I was… I mean WE, were assigned to the mission of guarding and monitoring the commander\'s son. It all started because of an incident caused by his son. He unleashed a deadly poisonous homemade defoliant, just because he didn\'t like the weeds on the garden. And to add it up, he made it only from ingredients you can easily get in Home Depot.

His wife contacted the commander soon as she noticed what\'s happening. And the commander immediately called for the dispatch of a squad equipped with anti-biochemical equipment. At first, we laughed it off, "Can\'t he thought of a better excuse for a surprise drill?"

We went all the way to disguise our vehicle to look like that of a general gardener services\' truck, and when we arrived, what we saw was hell. It was only hours ago when he spread the defoliant, but the entire ground of the garden has turned brown. We used a detector to measure the contamination level, it was so thick that a normal person would have died in seconds were they at the center of the contamination. Despite that, the face that kid was made, it was that like a child caught red-handed doing pranks.

Do you get what I\'m trying to say?

Such a young child, could create a weapon that\'s capable of destroying the entire city, and willing to use it unhesitantly if he meant to…

This case was reported to the higher-up of the UN by the commander, but it was then erased, probably due to considerations of some complicated political matters. But we were assigned a mission, which is to monitor him, making sure this kind of incident wouldn\'t happen again. Of course, on the official announcement, we were assigned to the guard the commander’s wife, "the mother of the new quantum physics", Arakawa Miki.

That kid, is currently at the garden. It seems like he\'s about to remove the weeds. Last time, he was scolded so bad by the commander due to usage of the chemicals, and now, he removes the weeds with his own hand.

So today…

I think he\'ll just doing it the old way…Or so I thought…

Suddenly he appeared from within the storage, completely equipped with a powered suit. If it\'s just a normal powered suit, I wouldn\'t have mind. Powered work suits are commonly used for household duties. But the one he uses is…

"…The 6th-generation Military-Purpose Powered Suit…”

I feel nauseous. It\'s a full-fledged war machine, capable of wrecking a tank head-on with a single punch, provides the user full protection against missiles, and capable of fighting head-on with an entire armed battalion. It isn\'t something to be used for removing weeds.

First thing first, how come that kind of dangerous thing is here in a civilian house?

I know that this family is abnormal, but that kind of thing wasn\'t supposed to get out from a research facility. I immediately call the commander…

This isn\'t something I can handle on my own.

"Commander……It\'s me"

I call the commander with weak voice. The communication channel is filled by noise for a moment, then I hear the commander\'s voice.

"Yo? What\'s up?"

I can hear the commander answering with stupidly bright tone… That\'s right, I believe he\'s on vacation, under the pretext of escorting some VIP at Africa. It\'s not like you need to go out on the field yourself.

"Your son is removing weeds in the garden. With a powered suit."

Then the commander gives me "so what?" retorts while laughing. On top of that, he keeps boasting about "my son this, my son that". Let\'s see if he can keep putting that idiotic dad mode after hearing this…

"He\'s wearing a military suit to do it. To be precise, the one he\'s using is the prototype of 6th-generation Military-Purpose Powered Suit."

The moment I said that, the commander stops laughing. Then he closed the call, saying he\'ll contact his wife. He also ordered me to stop his son were he about to go out to the city, at all cost. What\'s with his thought, telling me to stop it by myself? In the face of a war machine, with a body made out of flesh and bones, what could I do to stop that monster?

As I was desperately thinking about that, the child took of his suit. Looks like he got a contact from his mother. As he was walking inside the house, he suddenly stopped. And then…

He stares at my exact position.

My heartbeat almost stopped from the terror.

He usually acts as if he\'s a good child, obedient to his mother. But there\'s no mistake that he\'s the type of person that would unleash a dangerous weapon in his own garden without second thought. What would such a person do were someone was to disturb him?

Am I gonna die here…?

No, I\'m using an optical camouflage suit, so I can\'t be seen just by naked eyes. There\'s no way he could have seen me…

In the first place, there\'s no way he could have known that I was reporting to the commander.

But can I really be sure about that? I don\'t think so, but…

I can feel the nausea dwelling up in my stomach, as I brainstormed my thoughts out of the best course of action I should take.

That moment, that child took a step closer to me.

My life is done….

I gave up on everything.

But soon afterwards, nothing happened as I slowly open my eyes.

That child walked into the house with his head drooped.

I survived, my chest was pounding hard out of fear, even though I wasn\'t even standing on a war frontline.

He was probably trying to intimidate me. But, I was pathetically frightened. Despite all I\'ve been through as a member of the UN Special Force…

The child must have thought like this.

"For someone at your caliber, is that all you\'ve got?"

But I don\'t care.

For now, I\'ll continue cherish the feeling of being alive, as I gaze up to the annoyingly bright sky.

TLNote :

Ruri : granblue stole my time, uuuuh

Ucupcifer: Gaben stole all my money this month

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