The Indomitable Master of Elixirs

Chapter 782 - Taiji Swordplay (3)

Chapter 782: Taiji Swordplay (3)

This defeat was surprising, yet inevitable if one gave it more thought.

Ji Fengyan’s weird swordplay shocked master Lan, but simultaineously admired her highly skilled techniques.

“I have lost this round, but... there’s one point, if Miss Ji is willing to help clarify.” Master Lan’s tone had become extremely respectful. Since he had lost to Ji Fengyan, she was no longer his junior but a master swordsman.

“No harm asking.” Ji Fengyan felt Master Lan was rather pleasant and so was more patient with him.

Master Lan hesitated a moment with a show of embarrassment. He cleared his throat. “I have been obsessed with swordplay all my life and encountered countless master swordsmen and witnessed quite several amazing swordplays. But... Miss Ji, I have never seen your technique before. I wonder... what swordplay did you use?”

Master Lan felt rather sheepish even as he made his query.

Asking about an opponent’s technique was really not appropriate protocol, but... he really couldn’t bear the curiosity in his heart.

Ji Fengyan didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at Master Lan’s child-like wonderment. Nevertheless, she replied, “I used the Taiji swordplay.”

“Taiji swordplay?” Master Lan looked blank.

Ji Fengyan explained. “Master Lan, the swordplay used by all you swordsmen are mostly based on power, pitting strength against strength. But the Taiji swordplay is completely different. It leverages upon the energy of others and utilizes weakness to counter strength.” Ji Fengyan paused before continuing. “Master Lan shouldn’t be too hard on himself over this defeat. For my previous technique, I had just made use of your own power against you.”

Ji Fengyan’s words were meant to restore some dignity to Master Lan.

But everyone who heard Ji Fengyan’s casual explanation could discern just how powerful she was.

Leveraging upon the energy of others, using weakness to counter strength.

Such a simple philosophy, but... who on earth knew how to do it?

They had lived such long lives and had seen no one else able to make use of this simple philosophy.

Master Lan’s curiosity was satisfied. Although he was still unsure of that philosophy, he was already completely convinced of Ji Fengyan’s abilities.

A person who could reveal her own techniques to her opponent in such a frank manner—such behavior truly deserved respect.

“Thank you for your explanation.” Master Lan bowed towards Ji Fengyan reverently. His gesture made it seem as if Ji Fengyan was a powerful senior while he was the junior.

Master Lan retreated to the group of Elders with a serious expression. He appeared to be lost in contemplation over the philosophy that Ji Fengyan had just shared.

Ji Fengyan couldn’t help feeling amused by that obsessive Master Lan. She herself didn’t feel she had revealed anything that special about the Taiji swordplay.


As everyone knew, she held absolute confidence in herself.


What Ji Fengyan didn’t realize was that her battle with the Elders would result in a major upheaval to the practitioners of this world.

And at the same time be an enlightening trigger to Master Lan and the rest.

Still, such thing was for the future to unravel.

Meanwhile, the Elders had lost another round. The crowd already knew what was to come.

Only Eldest Princess was staring vacantly as she watched Ji Fengyan approach with her evil-vanquishing sword—the rage in her face having morphed into a look of abject despair.

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