White-Robed Chief

Chapter 772 - A Sudden Turn of Events

Chapter 772: A Sudden Turn of Events

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“This is the Saint,” Miss Ruolan said.

Chu Li’s eyes grew bigger as he replied, “The Saint? She’s really the Saint?”

“You don’t believe me?” Miss Ruolan asked.

Chu Li hurriedly shook his head. “How is it possible for me to meet the Saint? I’m not dreaming, am I?”

“Yes, you’re dreaming,” Miss Ruolan deadpanned. “Moving on with the questions, who are your family members?”

Chu Li sat on the ground and answered her absent-mindedly while glancing over at the Saint from time to time. His behavior perfectly resembled that of an inexperienced young man.

Ultimately, it was all thanks to the Heavenly Demonic Power that he could immerse himself completely in Zhao Dahe’s personality, as though he was the man himself. He was left with only a slight clarity of mind reminding him of his original identity.

After a while, as Miss Ruolan was still asking him questions, the Saint suddenly raised her hand.

Miss Ruolan stopped.

The Saint asked, “Zhao Dahe, why do you wish to enter the Holy Church of Light?”

“To teach Feng Xi a lesson!” Chu Li exhaled sharply. “And Commander Zhou too! He should’ve been a more loyal friend!”

“Don’t you wish to have more money? More beautiful women?” The Saint asked.

Chu Li scratched his head and laughed sheepishly before replying, “Of course I do, but that’s not exactly my priority. Since I live alone and have no other family members to provide for, it doesn’t matter how much money I have.”

“What about women, then?” the Saint asked.

Chu Li replied, “I’m hoping to find a divinely beautiful woman, but women like that won’t notice me because of my unattractive looks. I’ll make sure that I get reincarnated into a good household and have a handsome face in my next life, but I don’t think I can expect much during this lifetime!”

Miss Ruolan said, “As long as you have real skills, why will you be worried that no beautiful woman will like you?”

“Will a beautiful woman like Miss Ruolan fall for me?” Chu Li stared straight at her and asked.

Miss Ruolan seemed somewhat indignant as she glared at him. “Don’t even think about it!”

Chu Li sighed. “See, I told you so. It’s all because of my looks!”

“If you’re capable enough to become a Priest, it’s not impossible for Ruolan to fall for you,” the Saint said.

“A Priest?” Chu Li widened his eyes. “Miss Ruolan will like me once I become a Priest?”

“Yes.” The Saint nodded.

Miss Ruolan gave the Saint a look of resignation.

The Saint knew how to tease others too.

How could a fool like him ever become a Priest?

A Priest needs to possess exceptional martial art skills and top-notch comprehension. This slow-witted Zhao Dahe might have remarkable aptitude, but that would only give him an advantage in the early stages. When it came to cultivating higher levels of martial arts, what he needed was comprehension.

People like Zhao Dahe might be capable of becoming inner mountain disciples, but it was far-fetched, if not impossible, for them to consider priesthood.

Chu Li’s eyes shone with determination as he looked at Miss Ruolan.

From his expression, anyone could tell that he had fallen in love with Miss Ruolan at first sight and had made a firm resolution to pursue her.

Miss Ruolan glanced helplessly at the Saint and noticed the faint trace of a smile in the Saint’s bright eyes.

The Saint was very satisfied with Zhao Dahe. He was pure in mind and heart and did not have that many selfish motives or distracting thoughts. Setting a goal for him would stimulate his potential immensely and help him rapidly advance his martial art cultivation. This would be the fastest way for him to progress.

She decided to put Ruolan in charge of guiding Zhao Dahe from now on as she wanted to see just how far he could advance.

“You may leave now,” the Saint said.

“Okay.” Chu Li stood up before suddenly stopping again. “My Saint, I’d like to make a request.”

Under Miss Ruolan’s incredulous stare, the Saint replied, “Sure.”

“I’d like to move to another courtyard. I don’t want to stay in that place anymore,” Chu Li hurriedly said. “It’ll remind me of Brother Bai. He died such a pitiful death!”

“Alright, we’ll arrange another place for you to stay,” the Saint agreed.

“Thank you, my Saint.” Chu Li gave a fist salute.

He felt that the Saint’s almond-shaped eyes were unusually beautiful. She would be able to captivate many hearts with just her eyes.

As the most beautiful woman of the Li Dynasty, her almond-shaped eyes were comparable with Xiao Shi’s. Between the two of them, Xiao Shi’s eyes had more depth while hers looked more spirited, so they each had their strengths.

Miss Ruolan gracefully led the way with Chu Li trailing closely behind her as they arrived at another courtyard.

“You can stay here for the time being.” Miss Ruolan pointed at the courtyard. “Don’t leave this place.”

“Okay, I won’t run around.” Chu Li quickly nodded.

Although Miss Ruolan thought of him as ugly, she could also see that he was quite obedient, so she no longer disliked him as much. She informed him, “Tonight, the Saint will pass on the Great Light Scripture to you.”

“Tonight?” Chu Li repeated in disbelief.

Miss Ruolan nodded. “There will be people who will bring you some water in a moment. Clean yourself up and change your clothes. Soon, you’ll become a lower mountain disciple of the Holy Church of Light!”

Chu Li’s face immediately became excited as Miss Ruolan lithely walked away.

Soon after, three maids brought him hot water. Each of them was carrying two large round wooden buckets that were around waist-high. At first glance, the weight of buckets seemed as though they would overwhelm the maids.

Nevertheless, the maids carried the buckets as if they weighed nothing and poured the hot water into a huge bathtub for Chu Li to bathe himself. After he came out of his bath, he put on a white piece of clothing.

The material used to make this white clothing felt soft and durable at the same time as it fluttered at the slightest breeze. While it could not compare with the white robe Xiao Qi had given him, this was no ordinary material either. It was a clear indication of how strong the foundation of the Holy Church of Light was.

He sat motionless in the courtyard while staring up at the bright moon in the sky.

He was unfamiliar with not having the Omniscient Mirror around. It felt as if he had been entirely separated from the world around him and had become a deaf and dumb person who had completely lost his usual sense of control.

He heard footsteps approaching and saw Miss Ruolan coming over. She did not speak and merely beckoned him to follow her.

Chu Li followed her out of the courtyard and toward the backyard before they finally arrived at a waterside pavilion on the lake.

The walkway connecting to the waterside pavilion was made of white jade boulders that emitted a warm gentle luster. Meanwhile, the waterside pavilion was brightly lit as though it was daytime.

“My Saint, Zhao Dahe has arrived,” Miss Ruolan informed respectfully.

Chu Li examined the waterside pavilion in the glow of the lights. Every corner of it displayed great originality and craftsmanship deserving of the highest praise.

“Come in.” The enchanting voice of the Saint could be heard.

Miss Ruolan pushed open the door and Chu Li followed her in.

It was hard to bring oneself to dirty the spotless white carpet and furniture in the room.

The Saint was sitting cross-legged on a low couch as she quietly observed them. Her face was covered by a white veil while her almond-shaped eyes gleamed as though they could see to the depths of Chu Li’s heart. Her dignified demeanor made her seem like Guanyin, the Goddess of Mercy.

However, Chu Li did not let his mind stray and allowed only his curiosity to be roused as he tried his best to see her face under the white veil.

The Saint stretched out a hand.

Miss Ruolan nudged Chu Li forward. “Stand in front of the Saint.”

Chu Li quickly went and stood before the Saint. He was only a step away from her, so he could smell the cold, delicate fragrance of her sweet perfume.

Although he had hidden the Omniscient Mirror, he had not done the same with the All-Knowing Scripture. Thus, he still had his extraordinary sense of smell.

He suddenly blushed and felt his heart skip a beat. This coincided perfectly with Zhao Dahe’s personality.

The Saint said, “Stop letting your imagination wander. Focus your mind.”

“Understood,” Chu Li hurriedly replied.

The Saint pointed at him with her right index finger.

Her finger looked like it had been sculpted from pristine white jade. It emitted a soft glow as she gently touched his forehead.

“Boom!” Chu Li felt a loud crash in his mind.

As Maha-Vairocana’s Immobility Scripture was suddenly unleashed, a huge Buddha appeared in the void of his mind, sitting on a lotus seat with his hands in a mudra. While the Buddha chanted Maha-Vairocana’s Immobility Scripture, the words turned into floating golden lotuses.

Chu Li realized that this sudden turn of events was far from good, but it was too late to stop it now, so he forced himself to go with the flow and let Maha-Vairocana’s Immobility Scripture continue to circulate.

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