The Legacy System

Chapter 416 - 416: Unlucky Young Master Gao

Young Master Gao jumped from the spot pissed off at her reactions, ready to give her some violent treatment, as it was clear that she wouldn\'t act obediently.

In fact, he was ready to actually rip her clothes to shreds, and rape her then and there. The owner of this place was a scrooge that always tried to gain his favor.

Well, this was going to be an incredible moment for him to do so, as he was planning to rape Cui La and then use the videos from what he was about to do, to actually threaten and blackmail her.

After all, while he might suffer a bit with the justice, as long as he used his money and connections he would be able to escape prison, but her life would certainly be tattered if that was made public.

With those thoughts in his mind, he started approaching Cui La in anger, as the beauty seemed to be ready to cry as she said,

"I-I a-am so-sorry…"

But the guy didn\'t seem like he had any intention of hearing her words, as he just walked forward with the same anger and disgusting grin on his face.

\'Cracckkk…, Craccckkkk…, Baaannnggggg…\'

Too bad that it seemed like this wasn\'t his day, as while he was trying to walk his way towards the beauty, the door of the private box came crushing upon him.


The pain was real, the door had squarely hit him on the chest and then sent him flying towards the wall, cracking and breaking a few ribs on the way.

The clash had been so big that he had even vomited some blood from his mouth. There was no sign of his handsome and high-class bearing anymore, he looked just like a thrashed idiot.

Without losing time, Eric appeared from behind the door in his black fit assassin suit, covered with normal clothes, and appeared beside Cui La asking gently,

"Are you okay young lady? Did that bastard do anything to you!?"

"You, you, why are you here? What did you just do, this is going to destroy our Group\'s hopes! You shouldn\'t have done that!"

"Silly woman, that isn\'t as important as you! Furthermore, this is just an overconfident and disgusting vermin, there is no way someone like him is going to stop us from doing anything!

Don\'t worry, you are safe now!"

Cui La didn\'t know what to think or say anymore. She was still a bit fuzzy due to the heavy drinking, and even more so after seeing Eric\'s entrance and hearing those words.

Probably for the first time after a long period she felt warm and happy as a woman. She felt relieved, happy, and safe in Eric\'s arms.

She had never thought that she would feel like this in his arms. At that moment she didn\'t care that he had another woman, or other women, she only cared about those feelings.

Unable to control her emotions and feelings, she couldn\'t help but start crying, as she said,

"I was scared! Uwwwuuu~!"

Eric felt a sharp pain through his heart, as he had never thought that a proud and beautiful woman like her would suddenly break into tears.

But he couldn\'t blame her, all her life she had been raised like a little princess, and all the men around her had treated her like a delicate treasure.

Today, she was faced with an animal, a beast in human clothing. Well, to be more exact it was a man in the true sense of animalistic instincts.

Eric couldn\'t exactly blame this guy in the way he acted, as he had understood that this world was either eaten or be eaten.

After all, he had personally done the same thing to Ice, Tina, and the mother-daughter duo, so he wasn\'t clean either.

The fact that there was some sort of reason to do what he did wasn\'t a true justification either, so if Cui La wasn\'t someone by his side he wouldn\'t have thought much of it.

But the main point in whole this mess was that Cui La was with him, she was going to be his woman, she was his.

That guy unfortunately messed with the wrong guy, and now he would have to suffer for his bad luck, nothing more nothing less.

It was at that moment, that Ren Jia, Cui Xie, and the other arrived at the private box, as they finally got sight of what was going on.

As they were running to this place, they only heard a loud bang sound and the cry of pain. Seeing Cui La cry in Eric\'s arms made even Cui Xie extremely angry at the bastard who caused this.

His sister was the only blood-related family member left in this world for him, and he had always tried to let her live the best life.

In fact, he had been ready to fight and die against Eric when he had actually expressed his interest in her, but he had only stopped due to her insistence.

She had stubbornly told him to back off, as this was a great opportunity for them to use Eric and his resources to help their selves, and if she had to offer herself to him well that wasn\'t much.

Furthermore, Eric had clearly stated that he wasn\'t going to force her, so in the end, the choice was still in her hands.

As for tonight, he had thought that with Young Master Gao\'s background and standing he wouldn\'t try something stupid or excessive.

After all, he was supposed to be a handsome and refined Young Man, who had better chances of making his sister happy.

He had thought that this man could have been his little sister\'s ticket to escape from Eric\'s hands, but it was only now that he understood just how wrong he had been.

That made him even more furious with the current situation, and himself. In just one moment his presence changed, and he turned into some kind of ferocious monster.

Without waiting for Eric\'s words, or order, he disappeared from his place and reappeared in front of Young Master Gao giving him a strong kick between his legs.


The poor Young Master Gao had yet to recompose and gather himself after the sudden door attack, and he was kicked on his important family jewels.

It was impossible for him to not scream in a wolf howling pain, that most probably was heard through all the establishment.

A lot of people started coming out of their own private boxes to have a look at what was going on, only to be blocked by Cui Xie\'s underlings.

On the other hand, Cui Xie didn\'t seem to have been satisfied by that kick only, and he started punching the guy\'s face like he was hitting some sort of potatoes sack.

Eric noticed everything that happened perfectly, but he didn\'t say a word and let everything be in Cui Xie\'s hands, he wanted to know just how far would Cui Xie go.

Despite being in a horrifying rage, with each punch Cui Xie seemed to be getting a bit of his clarity back, and he managed to stop before killing him.

The handsome face of Young Master Gao had turned into nothing more than a big mush of meat and blood, as there was no resemblance to the previous him.

When Cui Xie was finally over and didn\'t punch the guy in the face anymore, he heard Eric\'s voice from behind him,

"I hope that this serves as a lesson to you and you don\'t try something like this again in the future, and you actually grow up a bit.

I am not a perfect man, and I will have many other women by my side, but I still think that I am a better choice than those, as I truly value and like her!

I will forgive you this time for putting her in danger, but if ever happens again I will not care whether you are her brother or not anymore! Do you understand!?"

"Yes, I do! It won\'t happen again!"

"Very well, I hope so!

Now tell the boys to take this place down, it seems like people will think that the wolf has lost its teeth after not hunting for a week!

Let them all know, that not only hasn\'t the wolf gone veggie but he actually is even more ferocious and vicious than before!"

Cui Xie was still a bit angry as well, so Eric\'s orders came right up his lane, as he transmitted his orders to the underlings, and returned once again beside Eric.

Young Master Gao had passed out unconscious, while Cui La had fallen asleep after some cleansing crying, as Eric was still keeping her in his arms, and taking care of her.

Seeing Cui Xie return once again, Eric didn\'t lose time and said,

"Report the situation to those three, and also send a warning to Gao Jixie, he has one week to come up with an explanation, otherwise the deal about the Potions is off!

Also, take this bastard to the hospital, it\'s troublesome if he dies now!"

Cui Xie was shocked, he was one of the guys who best understood what it meant to put the deal about the potions off, as it would make those three furious with Gao Jixie.

After all, the potions deal was an extremely important, and cheap deal for them. To lose such a deal because Gao Jian couldn\'t keep his hands and desires for himself.

This was bound to cause friction between them and Gao Jixie putting the guy into a corner, willing to do anything to get rid of…

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