Lunar Supremacy: The Original Alpha

Chapter 111 Dormant Power

Vincent was basking in the sun, enjoying his well-deserved break with Julia by his side. The cool sea breeze and the gentle sound of the waves crashing against the shore provided a perfect backdrop for his moment of relaxation. They were perched on lounge chairs, with their feet buried in the soft sand. The crystal clear ocean water stretched out as far as the eye could see.

"This is what I needed," he said, closing his eyes and soaking up the sun.  His body had already healed from the previous battle, but his mind needed time to recover from the the exhaustion .

He was enjoying a moment of peace as the breeze of the ocean landed on his skin. But his reverie was abruptly interrupted by Julia\'s words.

"Sir Vincent, I think I\'ve fallen for you," She confessed, a hint of embarrassment coloring her cheeks. With the knowledge that he was leaving tomorrow, she mustered the courage to tell him how she felt. She had slept with many men before but only Vincent was able to take her to another level of pleasure. 

Vincent didn\'t respond immediately, his thoughts were elsewhere. Though he enjoyed spending time with her, his feelings towards her were strictly platonic. It wouldn\'t be fair to lead her on any further. 

eαglesnᴏνel "I\'m sorry, Julia. I appreciate your feelings, but I don\'t think we\'re meant for each other," he replied, his tone frank and direct. 

Julia felt her heart shatter, but she didn\'t let her emotions show. It was no surprise to her that he didn\'t feel the same way. After all, they had only slept together for two days. She knew that a handsome and rich man like Vincent was not lacking in women .

"It\'s alright , I just want to try my luck, " she replied with a forced smile. 

Vincent could sense her disappointment, but he knew it was for the best. He didn\'t want to lead her on or give her false hope. He handed her a thick envelope, containing a generous amount of cash, as a way of compensating for any misunderstandings.

Julia slowly took it and was shocked to see hard cash inside it. The envelope contained $20,000 USD, a huge sum in Puerto Rico.

"I know that you were already paid for your work, but consider this a tip for your additional services," he said, hoping to clarify any confusion about their relationship.

"Thank you," Julia responded quietly, though her tone was tinged with sadness. She understood that the money was just a way for Vincent to make things clear between them. 

"You don\'t have to stay here if you don\'t want to. I can handle everything myself," he said softly. He understood that rejection was tough and that no amount of money could truly mend a broken heart. He didn\'t blame her for falling for him because he knew how hard it was for women to resist his charm .

"I..." she was torn between wanting to stay and the realization that it was time to go.

"Thank you for everything , Sir Vincent, " With a heavy heart, she rose from her seat and said her goodbyes. This encounter with Vincent would be a memory she would treasure and cherish, but also one that would haunt her. She doubted she would find anyone like him, who could cater to her every desire, in the near future.

He watched as Julia walked away with heavy steps, her form slowly disappearing from view. He couldn\'t help but feel a twinge of guilt in his chest, but he knew deep down that it was for the best. He had made it clear that there was nothing between them, and it was better for her to move on.

Vincent was now left alone with his thoughts, pondering over the events of the past few days. He had tried out his newfound power and was quite disappointed with the results - his strength and speed had significantly increased. But was that the only improvement he had gained? He couldn\'t help but wonder.

He was well aware that raw power alone wouldn\'t be enough to close the gap between him and his enemies, particularly the powerful witches he had encountered before. He recalled the fights he had witnessed between Denise and Celeste, realizing that he could end up dead before he could even utilize his newfound strength in front of such formidable opponents. Their curses alone were powerful enough to render him helpless. He couldn\'t believe the sheer power that they possessed . It was as if their words held the weight of the world and could bend reality to their will.

To make matters worse, Evangeline had revealed that there were even more powerful Supernaturals lurking in the shadows, far more dangerous than the likes of them. Vincent knew that he needed to up his game if he wanted to survive in this world.

He let out a deep sigh, feeling overwhelmed by the complexities of his new reality.

"Life was simpler before all this," he muttered to himself, his mind still consumed by the daunting task of unlocking his newfound powers. He had expected things to be different, like the stories he had read where the hero gained superhuman abilities and effortlessly took down their enemies. But the truth was far more complicated.

Unbeknownst to him, he possessed a latent power far greater than the witches he faced. It lay dormant within him, biding its time for the perfect moment to unleash its full potential. But for now, it remained hidden, unwilling to reveal itself and risk him becoming overconfident.




"Wait up Denise !" Lyka jogged to catch up with Denise as they exited the airport, but her companion didn\'t slow down for her.

"We don\'t have time to waste " Denise\'s cold tone matched her brisk pace as she quickly made her way to the gray SUV waiting for them.

Enferno leaned in and whispered to Lyka after catching up.

"Is it just me, or is Denise particularly moody today?" He spoke in hushed tones, not wanting to attract the ire of the witch in question.

"Let\'s just give her some space," Lyka whispered back, keeping her voice low so as not to provoke Denise any further. "She\'s still pretty upset about what happened to George."

Enferno nodded in agreement, understanding the gravity of the situation. They all knew how close Denise and George were. It was a blow to everyone when they heard the news of his death. Even though they were all part of the agency, they were still like family to each other.

Denise was wracked with guilt over George\'s death. He had been sent by the Agency, along with other supernatural agents, to take down the dryad that had escaped from her. But they had all been killed, leaving Denise with a heavy burden to bear. She couldn\'t shake the feeling that it was her responsibility to have dealt with the dryad herself, but the Agency had sent her on a different mission at the time. The weight of George\'s death was a constant reminder of her failure.

Enferno let out a deep sigh as he thought of his dear friend George, who was always kind to him. They used to have long conversations in the Agency, but now George was no longer with them.

"Come on, we still need to check in our hotel," Lyka said, interrupting his thoughts.

Enferno straightened up and followed her, trying to shake off the sadness that had settled on him. He couldn\'t help but wonder where they would be staying.

"Any idea where we\'re headed?" he asked.

"We\'re headed to the El Conquistador Resort,"

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