New Game+

Chapter 574 Eschatology (1)

"Eschatology." Eagle began.

"It is a branch of theology that mainly deals with the End Times. Taken from the greek word eschatos, we take a look at the end. And this Bible study is for us to discuss which eschatology we will use to shape the world. But of course, one must ask, why?"

Eagle hovered over to the middle of the room where various projections began and created a 3D hologram at the center.

At that moment, everyone was drawn and attracted to the power of Eagle.

Origin energy leaked out and the entire area was filled with Realm.

Everyone could feel it and everyone allowed the Realm to affect them.

There were a few who was hesitant, but because Eagle was weakened, their pride in refusing to be the inferior one surfaced.

All the Overcomers allowed the Realm to reach them in order to test and prove their will as Overcomers.

All but Richie, who was listening intently and excitedly at the sermon of Eagle.

"So why are we even doing this? Why are we hosting this study? Because it\'s necessary. Seeker has actually told me many things about the future. And while he managed to change the present, the battles we are yet to face will be far worse than the very worst case in his memories. For example, to the most pressing question, why do we need more people?" Eagle smiled and the data of the number of soldiers that each Presider had was being displayed.

"These are the numbers that we faced. Egypt had her millions. If not for a plan to force all Presiders to fight this large nation, we would never have won. The reality is this, we need millions more. And so, we are crafting a world with events, with situations, and with a guiding light to force people to achieve the Unlocking."

"And we are going to use… religion?" Nogard asked.

"Yes. Even in Seeker\'s alternate timeline, it was what we used. You see, the Lost Primordial prepared the seeds and planted them. Somewhere in our history, the peak of his experiments allows us to harness powers without needing the Nefilus Beasts or the Suits. But the Unlocking is very difficult to achieve even with our current resources."

The next screen was displayed and it gave the general statistics on how many resources are needed to create an army.

"This is the cost that all you spent to make some. And even with all this, our forces barely reach ten thousand if we combine all and exclude the vampires, werewolves, and other uncontrollable forces. And facing our future enemies, we do not have the option of dividing the kingdom of Satan. We won the first round because they fought each other. But imagine, if two Presiders launch their full army against us. They will have numbers four to five times that of our own. And we cannot afford to deploy useless people. Everyone has to be at the Proficient stage of Unbecoming to even be of use in this battle. And in a Top-Tier battle, we\'ll need Inhumans at the least. And how can we manage that? So we try to shape the world into what we want it to become."

"And that is… war and chaos?" The Realm King guessed.

"Not just war and chaos. Many of you may not know this, but Seeker has plans to poison the sea. To alter nature and desolate the world with great famines. We need utter desperation in this world. Each nation will rise up against the nation. Many will sell themselves to the Aragarians and create their own massive kingdoms which will show itself as a temptation for many. And as for us, we become the light of the world." Eagle explained as he used his powers to bring out the bibles.

"And this will be our tool. In order to change the world to cause many to become Unlocked, we have to tell those that are seeds that it is possible for them to gain this power if they have faith. My ministries have started sowing and reaping. Many people around the world believe in Jesus because of how we are able to recreate the events in the Bible. The once-distant miracles that we read about the Plagues of Egypt have now returned. People are turning to it and finding how the things that were to be treated as fairytales are to be the truth. And if we can harness that, and allow the world to fall into desperation, it will surely give rise to Unlocked." Eagle explained.

"And that would create a chain reaction." Nogard nodded.

"The statistics and science is set on many of our experiments. In a group where we tried to force the Unlocking into them without using any of the drugs, if one among the group achieves the Unlocking, the chances of everyone achieving Unbecoming rises up to three hundred percent. If we can manage that on a global scale, then we would be able to win and surprise the enemy."

The world map was displayed and it revealed all the rising countries that had gained stability next to the Babels and the Cities of Refuge.

"The Presiders that will come here will undoubtedly use the nations they settle in to make them their soldiers and equip them with their own weapons and techs. Trust in the selfishness of man. Trust that they will side with the strong. The loyalties of nationalism and morality will be thrown away. Are we not here in the WGP, the strongest force on Earth, and they are discussing whether to fight against the Aragarians or submit? And we all know that the WGP will still have groups that will choose to submit. And I don\'t blame them. Honestly, if we disregard everything else, what use is nationalism against an alien threat that can wipe out humanity? Survival. Isn\'t this what nature is? Even their prophets say that and describe evolution as such. It is the preservation of the favored races. Those that can adapt and evolve in a changing world will survive." Eagle explained.

Suddenly, the map began to change in color as Arthur\'s predicted countries of where the Presiders will settle will arrive. With Zeraphine, Garenjazz, and Shackstress\'s information, Arthur listed down all Presiders who are believed to have journeyed to Earth on the Orbital.

Each country had a Presider\'s name and a percentage of the likelihood for it to occur.

"We have to thank our very own Arthur, the reincarnation of the Prophet Daniel for giving us this information. These are also the countries in which I now have established a powerful hold on the underground churches that continue to evangelize and teach. Imagine that by the time the Aragarians arrive and take over these nations, they will wage war against us. And from within their ranks, many will be converted to Christianity. And when people start achieving the Unlocking, they will treat it as a miracle and the chain reaction will be so glorious that this entire nation will birth spies and soldiers that will fight for a cause! In a scenario where this plan is executed perfectly, imagine charging into an army of earthlings who have sided with the Presider. And then, I use my power and these people will suddenly fight the Presider and use what the Presider gave to them against him."

Everyone began to nod. It was indeed a very impressive plan.

"Using Eagle\'s powers to convert them… It\'s quite formidable." Amir smiled.

"Yes. Have we not seen the power of religion all over the world? Be it Christianity, Muslim, Buddhism, or even cultic and crazy religions, the power to change a man through faith is not to be underestimated. But alas, we fight Presiders. We have seen their power. Garenjazz holds luck! If another Presider arises with this, then my power of converting people will be weakened. If there are those who have powers like mine or Lowengren\'s, then our chances drop all the more."

Lowengren nodded.

"And so, we need to add more truth to this. We have to set the foundations to make Christianity more believable. And so, eschatology comes to play. If we are able to show the world that the Bible is true, it will increase our chances of converting people. But since the Bible is a mystery, scholars have debated as to how the End Times will happen. And while there are good and powerful points in some of these views, we are going to pick which suits our cause. In short, we will decide which of theologies are true."

"I never thought a pastor like you would be so… arrogant. Aren\'t you presuming to decide what God means about the End times?"

"Not really. I have faith. I believe that I am merely an instrument to do what God has destined long ago." Eagle chuckled.

"Anyway, the End Times is generally divided on how literal you interpret the Bible. Now, first of all, the Bible uses literature, poetry, expressions, exaggerations, and all other forms that we use in our day-to-day language. When I say to interpret it literally, I do not mean that we take it word for word, but understand the general concept."

"So like… if I\'m reading the Bible and I want to know what God is saying to me, and I open it and randomly read a verse, and I find Judas hanged himself, and then flip to another page and read \'go and do likewise\' I should hang myself?" Gardo chuckled.

Some began to chuckle at the side as they were affected by Gardo\'s power.

"Ah, that old example is fitting. That\'s actually a good example, Gardo! Thanks! Just like that expression, when I saw \'take the Bible literally\' it means to understand its context. Do we hang ourselves like how Gardo explained? Or do we read the context of the Bible first? When the Bible coined the expression \'apple of my eye,\' and yes, the Bible is the source of that expression for those who did not know, we know it\'s a metaphor. We do not deny language. Another example of literal contexts would be to take the word \'Israel\' in the Bible and interpret it as the nation of Israel. But the Bible uses \'Jacob\' or \'Ephraim\' allegorically to mean Israel as well."

"Pastor Eagle. I\'ve done my reading and I eventually arrive at a state of confusion. Some theologians refer to Israel as the Church. Some talk about the Old and the New Covenants and therefore even if we follow what you said and interpret it according to its literal context, depending on the perspective, interpretation, or on which covenant, promise, or verse we add heavier weight to, we will end up with different conclusions!" Lioncourt asked.

"Indeed. There are many interpretations. My son and I have different leanings on this."

"I believe this is why you\'ve set this time, correct? Lennox, Arthur, Nogard, and a few others have read through numerous theological views and we each have our leaning. What is yours exactly? Which one do you think is right and what do we follow? Eschatology diverges based on these factors. Amillenial, Post Millenial, Pre Millenial. And within the Pre Millenial circle, we have pre, mid, and post. What is the correct one?"

Eagle smiled.

"Who cares what the correct one is? We will decide which one will be correct and fight to fulfill these prophecies!"

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