Immortal Becomes a Stay-at-home Dad After Return

Chapter 15

Ning Qi­u­tong has gawked, then ac­tu­ally could not help but smile and taunt: "What have I gained?”

How­ever, Chen Xi no longer said anything.

His coldly has swept Ning Qi­u­tong, then looks to stair­way Ning Zhong­guo, coldly said: „That raw ma­te­r­ial for med­i­cine of 10,000 dollars buy­ing had been prac­ticed med­i­cine pill by me. Here is the medicine.our transaction has been completed, you, if must say the boast­ful talk again, does not take it ill of me for not being polite.”

Then, Chen Xi then puts out a small jar to put on the ar­rived table from pack­age, af­ter­ward went out of out of the door di­rectly.

Ning Qi­u­tong looks at the Chen Xi\'s back, the lip moves, as to say any­thing, but has not said the sound even­tu­ally.

Ning Zhong­guo silently looks that Ning Qi­u­tong and Chen Xi dis­puted, after Chen Xi flicked the sleeve left, he has not spo­ken to pre­vent, was only sigh­ing of gen­tly, then went to the stair­case.

One is his daugh­ter, one is only a by­stander.

Since they have be­come like water and fire, he is nat­u­rally im­pos­si­ble to con­tinue to help the by­stander again.

Let\'s for­get it, the daugh­ter said should also right, it is likely that young guy is trying to cheat me for money.

Per­haps is be­cause he tries our luck, there­fore does not have the means to dis­cover the issue of that young man.

After Chen Xi leaves, the liv­ing room fell into the strange peace at once.

By the Ning Qi­u­tong en­raged ar­riv­ing table, wanted throw­ing that bot­tle of so-called med­i­cines.

When she takes up that bot­tle of med­i­cines, ac­tu­ally un­ex­pected hap­pen­ing stopped the move­ment.

Af­ter­ward, she opens the bot­tle cap, wants to smell in­side pill\'s fragrance.

In flash of un­cap­ping, light, mixes the raw ma­te­r­ial for med­i­cine fra­grance smell then to jump into the tip of the nose.

She has at­tracted gen­tly, only thought that this fra­grance has not being able to say fla­vor.

The fra­grance is very unique, heard that has a fresh pleas­ant feel­ing, in the light fra­grance, as if also faintly is ac­tu­ally pass­ing one from the raw ma­te­r­ial for med­i­cine bit­ter and as­trin­gent fla­vor, in­ter­weaves to wind around with that del­i­cate fra­grance.

After this fra­grance in­spi­ra­tion lungs, the whole per­son seemed im­me­di­ately sober.

‚This med­i­cine......’

Ning Qi­u­tong\'s brows were slightly pressed, has thought after one next, she has ac­tu­ally closed the bot­tle cap, then places in the small jar the ar­rived pack­age.


Chen Xi somewhat depressed and arrived at home.

with­out good cause a su­per­cil­ious look, which his mood nat­u­rally can­not good to go.

Raw ma­te­r­ial for med­i­cine more than 9000 dollars, care­ful, this labor cost more than 800 dollars.

‚An evening can gain 800 dollars , such, I poured also the Cen­tral Sea high-in­come group......’

Smil­ing of Chen Xi some­what self-ridicules, then puts out a hand to knock on a door.

Essence Nur­tur­ing Pill can ef­fec­tively al­le­vi­ate the Ning Zhong­guo\'s con­di­tion, ac­tu­ally can only take stop­gap mea­sures can­not ef­fect a per­ma­nent cure.

His method that can treat truly only then, Essence Nur­tur­ing Pill is aux­il­iary, Chen Xi takes the dwelling place of ce­les­tial be­ings method to dis­pel symp­toms such as bloat­ing as its mas­sage again, dis­plays com­pre­hen­sively the ef­fi­cacy, elim­i­nates the old trou­ble of Ning Zhong­guo\'s within the body from the root.

How­ever, on ac­cord­ing to this sit­u­a­tion, Ning Zhong­guo puts out 11 mil­lion now, Chen Xi take ac­tion will not treat him again.

Thinks re­ally an ar­ti­cle money can baf­fle the heroic Han?

Thinks of this, Chen Xi has sneered.

We wait and see......


„Papa came back!”

Now so long as Chen Xi went out, the kid will al­ways be pay­ing at­ten­tion to sit­u­a­tion.

There­fore, even if Chen Xi very light knock­ing on a door, she can also in the Anime noisy music, the ac­cu­rate cap­ture that the sound that trans­mits from the gate.

The kid has jumped down the sofa ex­cit­edly, bare­foot runs to­ward the en­trance.

Chen Xi looks that the small head that finds out from the crack in a door, the dark clouds that can­not cir­cle at heart dis­si­pated im­me­di­ately.

He drew to open the door, bent down to hug the daugh­ter.

Then blows her small tip of the nose, asked with a smile: „Does Ni­ann­ian, think Fa­ther?”

„Thinks!” Kid sweet say­ing with a smile.

„Re­ally clever, Fa­ther goes home, walk­ing.”

Hugs the daugh­ter to ar­rive at the sofa, after Chen Xi ac­com­pa­nies the kid has played a while, this ar­rives at the kitchen, has given Aunt Zhang last Essence Nur­tur­ing Pill.

„Aunt Zhang, this is our com­pany most re­cent pill, the en­tire tra­di­tional Chi­nese med­i­cine makes, does not in­crease any chem­i­cal agent, it is said can ef­fec­tively pre­vent the dis­ease and en­hance­ment human im­mun­od­e­fi­ciency strength, to se­nior cit­i­zen unique help. I had one to come back to you spe­cially, under your quick tak­ing.”

„So is re­ally fierce?”

Aunt Zhang re­ceived the small jar with a smile, opens the bot­tle cap to smell, then with a smile asked: „This type of tra­di­tional Chi­nese med­i­cine healthy prod­uct I have not seen, eats or soaks in water di­rectly drinks?”

„Oral ad­min­is­tra­tion, under your quick cloth­ing/tak­ing, this gad­get I have also eaten, the feel­ing of eat­ing with dry chews the pow­der to be sim­i­lar , is too not bit­ter.” Chen Xi pre­tends very op­tional say­ing.

Sees Chen Xi to urge over and over that Aunt Zhang does not doubt him, pours the pill di­rectly to swal­low down.

After swal­low­ing the pill, Aunt Zhang only thought that pure run­ning water in to­ward the belly goes from her class of neck.

That feel­ing looked like eats the pep­per­mint candy to be the same, mak­ing peo­ple spe­cially com­fort­able, even can also de­pend upon that pure run­ning water, clear feel­ing flow di­rec­tion of pill.

„Oh, this med­i­cine is very fierce.”

Under after tak­ing pill, Aunt Zhang closed one\'s eyes to feel.

When she opens the eye again time, only thought that the pre­sent thing was clearer.

Blink­ing of Aunt Zhang makes an ef­fort, felt that the pic­ture in line of sight one was clearer, puz­zled she many years of pres­by­opia all of a sud­den to be un­ex­pect­edly good.

„God! This med­i­cine god! Lit­tle Chen, ac­tu­ally does your this med­i­cine which come? Very ex­pen­sive? Wait, I give you money......”

Aunt Zhang draws Chen Xi to walk to­ward her bed­room, pre­pares to pay Chen Xi the med­i­cine ex­pense.

Sees that Chen Xi beck­oned with the hand hastily, ex­plained: „Aunt Zhang, this med­i­cine does not ask for money! Is our com­pany of­fers to the wel­fare of staff free of charge, at pre­sent this med­i­cine has not gone on the mar­ket, there­fore you can­not buy out­side......”

Here, Chen Xi was hold­ing Aunt Zhang, sin­cere say­ing: „These years are lucky to have you, how our owed your benev­o­lence me not to know should also...... A minor mat­ter you quar­relled must give me money, wasn\'t this is still work­ing as the by­stander me? I am your younger gen­er­a­tion, has the good thing nat­u­rally to bring to be fil­ial piety you......”

How­ever, Aunt Zhang ac­tu­ally did not agree that has drawn Chen Xi to give him money.

She is not mud­dled, this has get­ting quick re­sults ef­fect pill not to be ab­solutely sim­ple, there­fore any­thing is not will­ing to take the Chen Xi\'s med­i­cine white.

But Chen Xi can­not cer­tainly meet the Aunt Zhang money.

He has owed Aunt Zhang to be too many, can it be that can Essence Nur­tur­ing Pill pay off?

They pull one, fi­nally, Chen Xi fi­nally con­vinced Aunt Zhang.

Aunt Zhang no longer raises to the mat­ter of money, there­fore un­ceas­ing quart Chen Xi now was then sen­si­ble, fi­nally had the act­ing like the man.

Hear­ing this, Chen Xi hit start­ing to Aunt Zhang, while chat­ted the daily fam­ily ac­tiv­ity with her with a smile.


Med­ical col­lege.

Pro­fes­sor Xie is look­ing in the hand this brand-new re­port of ex­am­i­na­tion, frowned.

„Pro­fes­sor Xie, what kind of? My Fa­ther is he all right?” Ning Qi­u­tong quite wor­ries stands to ask.

hear­ing this, Pro­fes­sor Xie heavy sigh­ing, said: „My spec­u­la­tion re­ally not wrong, the five in­ter­nal or­gans of Mr. Ning all have the dam­age......”

Ning Qi­u­tong had a scare, com­plex­ion pale sev­eral points.

Pro­fes­sor Xie looks at her ex­pres­sion, some shak­ing the head of not hav­ing the heart.

How­ever, after Ning Qi­u­tong deeply in­spired , to con­tinue to ask: „any­thing else?”

Sees that Pro­fes­sor Xie can only shake the head slightly, per­forms to ar­rive at re­spon­si­bil­ity of own doc­tor, de­tailed ex­pla­na­tion: „The heart, liver , the spleen, lung and kid­ney Mr. Ning all have the he­m­or­rhage con­di­tion, is also most se­ri­ous by the in­jury of lungs, the sit­u­a­tion that the left lungs pre­sented some necroses, must un­dergo the ex­ci­sion surgery promptly. More­over, be­cause the five in­ter­nal or­gans all have dam­age, the Hei­longjiang River that the wound pro­duces rot­tenly ac­cu­mu­lated the ar­rived cer­tain ex­tent, must think means clean­ing up and ster­il­iza­tion, car­ries on the treat­ment of sys­tem......”

Ning Qi­u­tong dull stand­ing in same place, in an in­stant only thinks in the brain a blank.

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